Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Raul's Salsa

Tonight I've been dicing and slicing (with the help of the Kitchen Aid) jalapenos, serranos, cilantro, onions....and various other things for the best salsa recipe I've ever come across. (Thanks to Andy W.!) I've been making this same one for over 15 years and always vary the quantity/type of chilies in it depending on the crowd. In MN, we had some spice lovers and the same can definitely be said of AZ. Now this batch is for new friends and co-workers in Texas. I'm not sure HOW hot to make it...do I make it full-force and post a warning sign near it with citrus cotton swabs on hand to wipe the burn off lips after?! If one's version of spicy is Pace, then they'll be in for a slight shock. And I'm NOT the best judge because I like it very spicy. Also, tonight Andrea made the mistake of sampling just the red chile sauce that is covering the enchiladas (which are also for tomorrow), and she ended up dancing all over the kitchen with her eyes watering, ice pack on her lips, and me on the floor laughing hysterically at her. And she likes it HOT! What am I going to do tomorrow....

I think I'm feeling the need for heat as in spicy. What with all the talking about AZ and a church leadership conference some people GET to attend!...I must admit I'm pining for Los Dos Molinos!!! I had to scope out a review and here's what Frommer's had to say:

Frommer's Review

I hope you travel with a fire extinguisher. You're gonna need it if you eat at this legendary hot spot in south Phoenix. The food here is New Mexican style, which means everything, with the exception of the margaritas, is incendiary. Actually there are a few dishes for the timid, but people who don't like their food fiery know enough to stay away from this place. So popular is the food at Los Dos Molinos that there's even one in New York.

Be afraid...be VERY afraid...and I almost made it to the NYC site but Wallace & Matthews were burned out from my making them walk all over Manhattan in one day. Men!


Lana and the Fam said...

Burning lips, huh? I don't think I'll be coming down for your salsa anytime soon. :)

Pam said...

Didja blow up from all the spice? Where ye be?