Monday, February 18, 2008


I've been working with a very outdated desktop computer, something went awry a few weeks ago, and all my photos were on it or in the process of getting loaded. So after finally getting the laptop away from Jeff, I've transferred my photos and will be getting back into the swing of blogging again. Not much is new here other than sick kiddos, wondering if both of Jenna's tubes are part of her woes, and feeling pure exhaustion in every bone of my body. On the positive side! I was able to work with several people at church to overhaul the moms' room and it turned out very warm and welcoming. Photos will be arriving soon. Think dots! Jeff is getting ready for a visit from his regional manager and that always adds stress to our lives. Even though their store is up 37% this year, after a great last year. Jaden and Jenna are sharing a room and so far so good...other than when she cries all night. Then he looks REALLY tired in the morning. And Andrea is chilling with us and waiting to get back to flying for United. And yes, the little itty bitty thing will be flying 757's. Great role model for Jaden who loves airplanes. He informs us that he can be a pilot like Andrea when he gets bigger. Jaden also informed me that he knows how to skateboard and then showed me how by acting it out on the edge of the tub. Followed by,"If I fell I'd break my head and then I wouldn't have a head, Mommy." Hmmm.


Lana and the Fam said...

Jaden's statement if very funny! :) Kids are soooo silly.

Pam said...

Nice to see you back...