Thursday, July 10, 2008


We made it. Exhausted. Buzzing from a year's worth of caffeine in 2 days. Feeling surreal. But alive. All of us. Here's the break-down:
Accomplished: loaded a household in under 3 hours; drove 9 hours with a 2 and 3 year old; tried to sleep with snoring!; drove another 13 hours; Jenna had a melt-down with 5 hours to go; arrived in MN; unloaded; now I can't sleep...
Yet to do: unpack & organize; demo bathroom; put up lights; strip wallpaper; paint woodwork & walls; clear out garage; find a job; and continue with all of the "jobs" one normally does on daily basis. Sleep should not have to be put on the list but unfortunately I am having trouble in that department!


Anonymous said...

Welcome home! I have been waiting with baited breath for you to get here. Hugs, hugs and more hugs. Throw in a few kisses, too. Auntie Mer

Pam said...

So happy you arrived in one piece. Great job on doing it with young children!

When can I come help remove wallpaper, etc? I'm ready!