Sunday, April 12, 2009

April Shots

Surveying the "stash"
Peeking at the egg hiders
"I like THIS brick!"
The only kid tall enough to reach!
We came here straight from naps, can you tell?!
Part of Jaden's photo shoot.....

"Where's the cherry?!"

"Welcome EVERYBODY!" by Jenna
Deep in Concentration!

Since I've fallen behind AGAIN on blogging, here is a collection of photos from the past month. Everything from our outings to the Walker Art Center, Sculpture Gardens, Macys' Flower Show, and Easter egg hunts. I've decided to tackle the museums around town and thought I'd revisit some of my favorites first! I especially love the photo of Jaden and Jenna drawing with their heads together!! Wish I had thought to save those sketches....


pam said...

I really like the last one too. Very mod.

Good job introducing them to so many fun and interesting places.

What did they think of the art?

Matthews said...

They LOVE the Walker! We've made another trip there since then as well. Now I need to expose them to some others. I loved how they wanted to draw what they saw...and considering some of the artwork at the Walker...well...right up their level! ;) The interactive dolphin and the white car are among their favorites. Oh, and Jaden just said yesterday that he wants to go to Stuart's house! Out of the blue!