Friday, December 5, 2008


I've gotten "lost" in the world of facebook. Sorry! It's just amazing the people from one's past that you can find. And so interesting to find out what everyone is up to. Like conquering the world, curing cancer, writing books, etc. Me, just working part-time, trying not to go crazy with life, keep our clothes clean. REAL important things! ;) But last night we got out. Went downtown to Macy's to see "A Day in the Life of an Elf." And celebrated Jackie's birthday. I snuck in some shots of us purposefully for the bloggers in our life that live far away and are requesting updated photos! Love to all of you!


Lisa said...

So fun, I love to see your kiddos. I'm tired of talking over blogs, email me at :)

Pam said...

Nice shots. I took my gram and the kids to Macy's yesterday to see that show. They were mesmerized.