Friday, March 6, 2009


I'm feeling lazy. Yes, I know I haven't posted photos in a LONG time. I love my Mac but still have issues with new camera and figuring it all out. Jeff's so far beyond me in technology and so I putter behind. I wish I had my camera near me the other day when Jaden and Jenna stormed into the kitchen (they are a force to be reckoned with!) and asked for chocolote chips to plant a tree outside. Well, I obliged. And gave them some pecans as well and then watched through the kitchen window as they headed out into the snow, trudged over to the pine tree, and buried them beneath it. Awhile later Jaden walked in, looked at me in all seriousness, and said, "Mom, I don't REALLY think those chocolate chips are going to grow." Hmmm. Jenna didn't get the memo because today she whipped open the fridge (EVERYTHING is done at 110% enthusiasm!) and asked me for a treat to plant a tree outside! I tried to explain but 2 year olds.....are 2 year olds.


Merilee C said...

I respectfully submit the idea that your "laziness" is simply a desire for time alone to be come renewed in whatever manner you wish.

Anonymous said...

I just love the "Jaden" and "Jenna" stories!!